virtualenv won't activate on windows

Moving comment to answers section :)

According to Microsoft Tech Support it might be a problem with Execution Policy Settings. To fix it, You should try executing Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process (as mentioned in the comment section by @wtsiamruk) in Your Power Shell. This would allow running virtualenv in the current Power Shell session.

There is also another approach that is more unsafe, but recommended by MS Tech Support. This approach would be to use Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force (which do unleash powers to screw Your system up). However, before you use this unsafe way, be sure to check what your current ExecutionPolicy setting is by using get-ExecutionPolicy. Then, when you are done, you can revert back to this ExecutionPolicy by using Set-ExecutionPolicy %the value the get-ExecutionPolicy command gave you% -Force.

In powershell use


instead of activate.bat which doesn't work in powershell anymore.

also deactivate by just typing


at the command prompt

Set the ExcutionPolicy for the Process Scope after Yes [y] then type Scripts/activate

enter image description here