Visual studio 2015 profiler not showing anything from my code

I found this thread, and then found a solution... At least in the VS2015 Update 3, the Diagnostic Tools -> CPU Usage -> Filter drop-down has a "Show External Code" checkbox, which when checked expands all [External Code] placeholders.

Try this: Debug -> Start Diagnostic Tools Without Debugger and from there select Performance Wizard rather than CPU Usage, and only from there select CPU or other option you need, this solved the problem in my case.

In my case the problem was resolved by checking "Enable .net Framework source stepping" option in Tools > Options > Debugging > General. This would also disable "Enable Just My Code".

On a side note, it appears that VS2015 profiler is not particularly effective in finding out finalizer issues if you have lot of disposible objects that you never explicitly dispose (causing finalizer thread to over work). I used JetBrain dotTrace which did pointed out this issue.

The accepted answer didn't work for me - in my case the problem seems to be that I didn't have Debug Info generated in my Program Database File.

The fix I needed was to change Configuration Properties → Linker → Debugging → Generate Debug Info to Yes for my Release configuration, and then recompile all.