Visual Studio 2015 RC Entity Framework 6.1.3 Migrations Error

Seems to be a common issue, but apparently difficult to repo?

Enable-migrations error #1950

Suggest you add your issue details to the above in the hopes that it can be resolved quickly.

I have the same problem :(

My workaround is:

  1. Downgrade Entity Framework to v6.1.1 (at least the new NuGet GUI makes this very easy)
  2. Run the command (for example Add-Migration ...) on the package manager console. It seems to work in this version
  3. Upgrade back to Entity Framework v6.1.3

Other solution:

Copy this patched version of EntityFramework.psm1.

As per comment by yishaigalatzer on EF bug #1950, NuGet 3.0 RC2 has now been released, which should fix this problem. Simply download the VSIX from codeplex and install it.

This solved the problem for me.