Visual Studio 2017 & 2019 highlight occurrences of selected word in scrollbar
Right now, the only way I know (without installing new extensions) is to select (double click) the word and hit ctrl-f (find). Scroll map should highlight all occurences (mine are orange)
This was a feature in VS15 and VS13.
Actually it was not.
It is a feature of the Productivity Power Tools extension. That extension is now just an installer for separate single feature extensions. I think you'll be wanting Match Margin.
For Visual Studio 2022 Match Margin is also available.
There's another extension which does exactly this, with options to customize colors and more. it called Word Highlight With Margin.
The extension created by Trung Kien Phan
VS2017/VS2019/2022 Version
Download link from Visual Studio market place - VS2017, VS2019, VS2022
Previous versions:
VS2010, VS2012, VS2013