Visual Studio Code Debug Console colors?

See @ for lore and roleplay.

Here is just a no brain answer.

Tested up to Visual Studio Code May 2021 (version 1.63)


console.log( "\u001b[1;31m Red message" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;32m Green message" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;33m Yellow message" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;34m Blue message" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;35m Purple message" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;36m Cyan message" );


console.log( "\u001b[1;41m Red background" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;42m Green background" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;43m Yellow background" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;44m Blue background" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;45m Purple background" );
console.log( "\u001b[1;46m Cyan background" );


console.log( "\u001b[0m Reset text and background color/style to default" );


console.log( "\u001b[1;31m --process: Error" + "\u001b[0m" );

To output coloured messages from nodejs in visual studio you can use formatted message in console.log method. for example :

console.log('\u001b[' + 32 + 'm' + 'hello stack' + '\u001b[0m')

as implemented in Mocha. 32 is a color code. Other color codes and usage sample you can find in theirs repo:

enter image description here

Or as a log library you can use, for example pinojs + pino-pretty module and your log output will be displayed as here :

enter image description here

I guess so far the best way is to put your debug output into alternate destinations:

In Launch Configuration Attributes the console setting can be set to one of the following: internalConsole (default, the builtin Debug Console) externalTerminal (external cmd window) or integratedTerminal (the VS Code terminal).

The external terminal command line can further be specified in the VS Code Settings under one of the following: terminal.external.windowsExec, terminal.external.osxExec, and terminal.external.linuxExec from the default that is your default os terminal.

Source: VS Code docs, for example for node.js: