Visualisation of a recursive function
Let you have a function and an initial point
f[x_] := Cos[x]
x0 = 0.2;
Then you can calculate a sequence
seq = NestList[f, x0, 10]
(* {0.2, 0.980067, 0.556967, 0.848862, 0.660838, 0.789478, \
0.704216, 0.76212, 0.723374, 0.749577, 0.731977} *)
and vizualize it with a so-called Cobweb plot
p = Join @@ ({{#, #}, {##}} & @@@ Partition[seq, 2, 1]);
Plot[{f[x], x}, {x, 0, π/2}, AspectRatio -> Automatic,
Epilog -> {Thick, Opacity[0.6], Line[p]}]
The same for f[x_] := 2x
The logistic map:
logistic[α_, x0_] := Module[{f},
f[x_] := α x (1 - x);
seq = NestList[f, x0, 100];
p = Join @@ ({{#, #}, {##}} & @@@ Partition[seq, 2, 1]);
Plot[{f[x], x}, {x, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> {0, 1},
Epilog -> {Thick, Opacity[0.6], Line[p]}, ImageSize -> 500]];
t = Table[logistic[α, 0.2], {α, 1, 4, 0.01}];
Export["logistic.gif", t];
dottie = FindRoot[Cos[x] == x, {x, 1}] // Values // First
Plot[{Cos[x], x}, {x, -5, 5},
Epilog -> {Red, PointSize[0.02], Point[{dottie, dottie}]}]
Convergence can be seen with EvaluationMonitor
{res, {evx}} =
Reap[FindRoot[Cos[x] == x, {x, 0}, EvaluationMonitor :> Sow[x]]]
{{x -> 0.739085}, {{0., 1., 0.750364, 0.739113, 0.739085, 0.739085}}}
points = Point @ Transpose[{evx, evx}]
Plot[{Cos[x], x}, {x, -5, 5},
Epilog -> {Red, PointSize[0.02], points}]
Finding Dottie with Newton
fun = Cos[x] - x;
newton[fun_, n_] :=
With[{f = fun / D[fun, x]}, NestList[# - f /. x -> # &, 0., n]]
points = newton[fun, 5]
{0., 1., 0.750364, 0.739113, 0.739085, 0.739085}
dottie = Last @ points;
Axes -> False,
Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{0, dottie, 1}, None}, {Automatic, None}},
GridLines -> {Automatic, {0, dottie, 1}},
Mesh -> All,
MeshStyle -> Directive[PointSize[Medium], Red],
ImageSize -> 500,
PlotRange -> {{0.9, 6.1}, {-0.1, 1.1}}]
f = # / D[#, x] & [fun]
fpl1 = FixedPointList[# - f /. x -> # &, 0.0];
fpl2 = FixedPointList[# - f /. x -> # &, -0.5];
{fpl1, fpl2},
Axes -> False,
Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{-0.5, 0, dottie, 2}, None}, {Automatic, None}},
GridLines -> {Automatic, {-0.5, 0, dottie, 2}},
Filling -> {1 -> {2}},
Mesh -> All,
MeshStyle -> Directive[PointSize[Medium], Red],
ImageSize -> 500,
PlotLegends -> {"Start at 0.0", "Start at -0.5"},
PlotRange -> {{0.9, 8.1}, {-0.6, 2.2}}]
fun = Cos[x] - x;
f = #/D[#, x] & [fun];
fpl = FixedPointList[# - f /. x -> # &, #] & /@ {0., -0.5, 3.0};
dottie = fpl[[1, -1]];
InterpolationOrder -> 2,
Axes -> False,
Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{{-0.5, 0, dottie, 2, 3}, None}, {Automatic, None}},
GridLines -> {Automatic, {-0.5, 0, dottie, 2, 3}},
Filling -> {{1 -> {2}}, {2 -> {3}}},
FillingStyle -> Directive[Opacity[0.5], Gray],
Mesh -> False,
ImageSize -> 500,
PlotLegends -> {"Start at 0.0", "Start at -0.5", "Start at 3.0"},
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.01],
PlotRange -> {{0.9, 7.1}, {-0.6, 3.1}}]
Two slight improvements to the code:
[1] Using Function is faster:
f[α_] = Function[x, α x (1 - x)];
[2] One should localise seq, and Riffle is clearer than Join @@ ({{#, #}, {##}} & @@@
logistic[α_, x0_] := Module[{seq},
seq = NestList[f[α], x0, 100];
p = Riffle[Transpose[{seq, seq}], Partition[seq, 2, 1]];
Plot[{f[α][x], x}, {x, 0, 1},
AspectRatio -> Automatic,
PlotRange -> {0, 1},
Epilog -> {Thick, Opacity[0.6], Line[p]},
ImageSize -> 500]]
Then I'd use Manipulate to visualize...