Visualizing the primes with the Riemann Zeta function


Based on useful J.M.'s comments: This is not efficient. However, it achieves result (I think):

f[x_, n_] := Module[{zero = Flatten[N[Table[ZetaZero[{j, -j}], {j, n}]]]}, 
x - Log[2 Pi] - Total[x^zero/zero] - Log[1 - 1/x^2]/2]
g[x_] := Sum[MangoldtLambda[j], {j, 1, Floor[x]}]

vis[n_] := 
 Plot[{g[x], f[x, n]}, {x, 1, 100}, Exclusions -> None, 
  PlotStyle -> {Green, Red}, Background -> Black, Frame -> True, 
  PlotLabel -> Style[Row[{"n=", n}], 20, White], ImageSize -> 400, 
  PlotRange -> {0, 100}]

After a 4 km (40 minute) walk the following allowed export of gif:

animation = 
  vis[#] & /@ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 
    80, 90, 100, 150, 200, 250};

enter image description here

As others have implicitly mentioned, your implementation of the second formula omits the non-trivial zeros with negative imaginary part. When the sum is taken over all zeros, then the imaginary part of the sum cancels, leaving just a real part. For example,

Simplify[ComplexExpand[Re[x^(1/2 + I*t)/(1/2 + I*t) +
                          x^(1/2 - I*t)/(1/2 - I*t)]],
         Assumptions -> x >= 1]

The result involves only the real values t and x.

(4 Sqrt[x] (Cos[t Log[x]] + 2 t Sin[t Log[x]]))/(1 + 4 t^2)

If the Psi[x,n] function is defined as follows, the calculations using the code from @ubpdqn are much faster.

ChebyshevPsiZeta[x_Integer, n_Integer] :=
   Block[{t = N[Im[ZetaZero[Range[n]]]], tlogx},
      tlogx = t*Log[x];
      x - Log[2 Pi] - Log[1 - 1/x^2]/2 - 
      4 Sqrt[x] Total[ (Cos[tlogx] + 2 t Sin[tlogx])/(1 + 4 t^2)]]

Define vis2 which includes ChebyshevPsiZeta[x,n] instead of f[x,n] in vis from @ubpdqn.

vis2[n_] := 
   Plot[{g[x], ChebyshevPsiZeta[x, n]}, {x, 1, 100},
        Exclusions -> None,
        PlotStyle -> {Green, Red}, Background -> Black, Frame -> True, 
        PlotLabel -> Style[Row[{"n=", n}], 20, White], ImageSize -> 400, 
        PlotRange -> {0, 100}]

Using Map[vis2,{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,40,50}] was about 25 times faster than with vis. Using ParallelMap was about 90 times faster.

Also note that the following definition of the von Mangoldt function by Stefan is faster than the built-in MangoldtLambda.

vonMangoldtLambda[x_Integer] := If[Length[#]==1, Log[#[[1,1]]], 0]&[FactorInteger[x]]
SetAttributes[vonMangoldtLambda, Listable]