VS Code - Is there a way you can make the Minimap bigger?

In the settings, you can set the width with

// Limit the width of the minimap to render at most a certain number of columns
"editor.minimap.maxColumn": 120

thanks Alex there is a new setting from VSCode release 1.40.0 onwards:

"editor.minimap.scale": 2

before VSCode 1.40.0: there is no zoom-level for the minimap.

But i think the following settings is useful as it renders it schematically which looks much nicer than with true! Maybe this improves it! ;-)

"editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false

From vscode release 1.40.0

"editor.minimap.scale": 2,

There are two new minimap settings which are in v1.43:

Editor › Minimap: Size

values: proportional, fit and fill

From https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#minimap-size:

When set to proportional (the default), each line gets a certain amount of vertical space in the minimap, depending on editor.minimap.scale. For example, on a high-DPI monitor, with a configured scale of 1 (the default), each line gets 4 px in the minimap. So for a file of 100 lines, the height of the lines rendered in the minimap is 400 px, and for a file of 1000 lines, it is 4000 px. That means that for large files, the minimap will also scroll, as the current file is scrolled.

When set to fit, the height of the minimap is limited to never be larger than the editor height. So if a file has many lines, they will be sampled and only a subset will be rendered in the minimap, such that there is no need for the minimap to scroll.

When set to fill, the height of the minimap is always the editor height. For large files, this is also achieved by sampling lines, but for small files, this is achieved by reserving more vertical space for each line (stretching the lines).

Here the size is changed from proportional to fit, and then in a smaller file, from fit to fill:

minimap fill and fit