> vs. >= in bubble sort causes significant performance difference

Using the C++ code provided (time counting removed) with the perf stat command I got results that confirm the brach-miss theory.

With Limit = 10, BubbleSortB highly benefits from branch prediction (0.01% misses) but with Limit = 50000 branch prediction fails even more (with 15.65% misses) than in BubbleSortA (12.69% and 12.76% misses respectively).

BubbleSortA Limit=10:

Performance counter stats for './bubbleA.out':

   46670.947364 task-clock                #    0.998 CPUs utilized          
             73 context-switches          #    0.000 M/sec                  
             28 CPU-migrations            #    0.000 M/sec                  
            379 page-faults               #    0.000 M/sec                  
117,298,787,242 cycles                    #    2.513 GHz                    
117,471,719,598 instructions              #    1.00  insns per cycle        
 25,104,504,912 branches                  #  537.904 M/sec                  
  3,185,376,029 branch-misses             #   12.69% of all branches        

   46.779031563 seconds time elapsed

BubbleSortA Limit=50000:

Performance counter stats for './bubbleA.out':

   46023.785539 task-clock                #    0.998 CPUs utilized          
             59 context-switches          #    0.000 M/sec                  
              8 CPU-migrations            #    0.000 M/sec                  
            379 page-faults               #    0.000 M/sec                  
118,261,821,200 cycles                    #    2.570 GHz                    
119,230,362,230 instructions              #    1.01  insns per cycle        
 25,089,204,844 branches                  #  545.136 M/sec                  
  3,200,514,556 branch-misses             #   12.76% of all branches        

   46.126274884 seconds time elapsed

BubbleSortB Limit=10:

Performance counter stats for './bubbleB.out':

   26091.323705 task-clock                #    0.998 CPUs utilized          
             28 context-switches          #    0.000 M/sec                  
              2 CPU-migrations            #    0.000 M/sec                  
            379 page-faults               #    0.000 M/sec                  
 64,822,368,062 cycles                    #    2.484 GHz                    
137,780,774,165 instructions              #    2.13  insns per cycle        
 25,052,329,633 branches                  #  960.179 M/sec                  
      3,019,138 branch-misses             #    0.01% of all branches        

   26.149447493 seconds time elapsed

BubbleSortB Limit=50000:

Performance counter stats for './bubbleB.out':

   51644.210268 task-clock                #    0.983 CPUs utilized          
          2,138 context-switches          #    0.000 M/sec                  
             69 CPU-migrations            #    0.000 M/sec                  
            378 page-faults               #    0.000 M/sec                  
144,600,738,759 cycles                    #    2.800 GHz                    
124,273,104,207 instructions              #    0.86  insns per cycle        
 25,104,320,436 branches                  #  486.101 M/sec                  
  3,929,572,460 branch-misses             #   15.65% of all branches        

   52.511233236 seconds time elapsed

I think this can indeed be explained by branch misprediction.

Consider, for example, LIMIT=11, and sortB. On first iteration of the outer loop, it will very quickly stumble upon one of elements equal to 10. So it will have a[j]=10, and therefore definitely a[j] will be >=a[next], as there are no elements that are greater than 10. Therefore, it will perform a swap, then do one step in j only to find that a[j]=10 once again (the same swapped value). So once again it will be a[j]>=a[next], and so one. Every comparison except several at the very beginning will be true. Similarly it will run on the next iterations of the outer loop.

Not the same for sortA. It will start roughly the same way, stumble upon a[j]=10, do some swaps in a similar manner, but only to a point when it finds a[next]=10 too. Then the condition will be false, and no swap will be done. An so on: every time it stumbles on a[next]=10, the condition is false and no swaps are done. Therefore, this condition is true 10 times out of 11 (values of a[next] from 0 to 9), and false in 1 case out of 11. Nothing strange that branch prediction fails.

I think it may indeed be due to branch prediction. If you count the number of swaps compared to the number of inner sort iterations you find:

Limit = 10

  • A = 560M swaps / 1250M loops
  • B = 1250M swaps / 1250M loops (0.02% less swaps than loops)

Limit = 50000

  • A = 627M swaps / 1250M loops
  • B = 850M swaps / 1250M loops

So in the Limit == 10 case the swap is performed 99.98% of the time in the B sort which is obviously favourable for the branch predictor. In the Limit == 50000 case the swap is only hit randomly 68% so the branch predictor is less beneficial.