VS Team Explorer merge conflicts

I found @Kyle Vassella 's comment, above, worked best for me, i.e. use the "Merge"-button. It is simple, powerful and the ambiguity of the other options can be ignored.

I first "Compared files" (or "diff'd" them) using the above UI - just to get a feel for what I was dealing with. In my case, I could have then selected the Master version for one file and the branch for the other one and all would have been fine, but I would have lost a few comment tweaks and some tidying up of the code. Clicking on "Merge" allowed me to view both versions + VisualStudio2017's best guess at what the merged file should look like - its guess was extremely good. I could have just resolved 3 or 4 minor conflicts and accepted everything else. The UI provide buttons to find the next/previous Conflict and the next/previous Change. The former are the main thing, the latter are handy for double-checking everything.

I thought VS2017 Teams GIT lacked proper interactive MERGE capability - I was wrong, once found it is actually surprisingly good and simple to use. Harummph!

In this case, you should Take Source. The "Source" is the develop branch and the "Target" is the feature branch.