VSCode: How to Split Editor Vertically

Method 1

enter image description here


View -> Command palette -> type 'split'

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


Add a Keyboard Shortcut for split Editor

enter image description here

To split vertically:

+\ Mac

command: workbench.action.splitEditor

To split orthogonal (ie. horizontally in this case):

+k++\ Mac

command: workbench.action.splitEditorOrthogonal

If you're looking for a way to change this through the GUI, at least in the current version 1.10.1 if you hover over the OPEN EDITORS group in the EXPLORER pane a button appears that toggles the editor group layout between horizontal and vertical.

Visual Studio Code - toggle editor group layout button

Change editor split layout from horizontal to vertical

In 1.20

  • ALT+SHIFT+0 PC (Windows, Linux)
  • ++0 Mac


  • ALT+SHIFT+1 PC (Windows, Linux)
  • ++1 Mac

In 1.25

  • You can split editor into Grid layout. Check View=>Editor Layout
  • It is nicely presented in Release notes v1.25: VS Code grid editor layout

In 1.58.2 **

** Someone update this with the lowest version where this became true.

  • The menu entry with the shortcut given above is View=>Editor Layout=>Flip Layout
  • The Command Palette entry is labeled "Toggle Vertical/Horizontal Editor Layout"
  • The settings entry is
      "key": "alt+cmd+0",
      "command": "workbench.action.toggleEditorGroupLayout"