Vue.js getting an element within a component

vuejs 2

v-el:el:uniquename has been replaced by ref="uniqueName". The element is then accessed through this.$refs.uniqueName.

There's a few options depending on what you're trying to access:

  • You can access the child components of a Vue.js component with this.$children

  • You can label specific DOM elements inside your template using ref="uniqueName" and refer to these later via this.$refs.uniqueName
    (but remember that you won't be able to refer to these until the component/app has finished mounting and performed an initial render)

  • If you're unable to label your elements, you can query the DOM for child elements using a CSS selector via this.$el.querySelector('.myClass > .childElement')
    (as above, the component/app needs to have finished mounting)

You can also explore by doing a simple console.log(this) inside your component and it will show you all the properties of your Vue component instance.