"waiting for network configuration" Problem

I decided to go the CLI and Alt+Ctrl+F2 approach so YOU ARE FREE to do that while you are logged in to the GUI - Okay, I will write the general steps so feel free to use whatever approach you like.

  1. Edit /etc/network/interfaces:

    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
    1. If you are typing this from LXTerminal while logged in to the GUI then:

      gksudo leafpad /etc/network/interfaces
  2. Remove whatever written there and just keep this:

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback

It is very good idea to keep a backup copy of "interfaces" file just in case so please make sure to save a "interfaces.bak" file before you do anything

  1. Ctrl + O if you are using nano and Ctrl + S (File > Save) if you are using leafpad.

  2. Ctrl + X if you are using nano and Ctrl + Q (File > Quit) if you are using leafpad.

  3. Reboot.

  4. Done.

In every situation that I have run into this it is a problem in /etc/network/interfaces

You should not have to remove everything as suggested in an earlier post, but rather inspect for common problems.

In my case it was defining the gateway parameter for additional ethernet IPS. You only need to define the gateway for the primary interface for each card.

What I mean by this is if your file looks like this:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static

The 2nd gateway param will cause ubuntu to hang for 60+ secs during boot, you only need to define the gateway for the first eth0 section, you DO need to define the gateway for any additional nic cards, IE eth1, wlan0 etc but NOT for additional IPS assigned to the same nic. Earlier version of Ubuntu did not have any issues with this, but Ubuntu 12.04 does not like it... Be nice if it could simply ignore it.

I'm sure there are other "problems" in this file that can cause this, so you should inspect the file and make sure there are no typos etc.

This might help too: http://tech.pedersen-live.com/2012/05/disable-waiting-for-network-configuration-messages-on-ubuntu-boot/

Basically you edit this /etc/init/failsafe.conf file and disable (comment) the sleep commands which actually pause the system. Besides accomplishing the job, at least in my case there was no error at all in the network configuration, so everything went fine.

By the way, you solution only allows to configure the loopback interface, something I could not afford in my setup (I had to manually setup the interfaces and bridges).

