WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree for included file

If you only want to ..include:: a document in another document, without having it appear in any toctree.

Add :orphan: to the top of your document to get rid of the warning.

This is a File-wide metadata option. Read more from the Sphinx documentation.

Sphinx will complain about this whether the file is included or not.

However, you can specifically exclude files by using the exclude_patterns config value.

So for your case you might try to change Sphinx's conf.py file with something like:

exclude_patterns = ['pages/reference-architecture', 'some/other/file.txt']

You can exclude individual files, directories, or use file globbing patterns to match groups of files this way.

EDIT: See: Joakim's answer for another option that was added after this answer was created.

Indentation worked:

   :maxdepth: 2
       hello <h.rst>
       abc <your.rst>