Warning during archive App with iOS 8 Extension in Xcode 6

If you create a brand new sample project and a Today Extension in Xcode 6.2, the default values are set to NO for stripping of debug symbols.

enter image description here

Copied from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30459703/736384

"Compiled code usually contains debug information. This debug stuff is helpful for inspecting running code in debugger, but less so for the optimized code you would ship in distribution builds. Therefore it gets stripped out when doing an Archive build.

The problem here is that PBXCp is unable to strip out debug symbols from signed binaries because this would invalidate the digital signature. So if you have a project that was created before Xcode 6.3 you will now get a warning like this.

To fix the warning simply change both values to NO. Removing them does not work because the default value is still YES for both. The project templates that came with Xcode 6.3 have these turned off by default. Only projects that were started with older templates still have YES on the Release line."

Source: https://www.cocoanetics.com/2015/04/skipping-copy-phase-strip/

Check the "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" option in your Xcode target's build settings. Its saying that it cant strip debug symbols because the extension was already signed.