Watching new tags on GitHub

Have a look at

It notifies you about new tags/releases and takes only 3 clicks to setup.

Really handy tool.

I need to track new tags of many projects on github [...] through RSS channel

GitHub provides an atom feed for tags

  • Syntax:{:user}/{:repository}/tags.atom
  • Example: will list the tags of the LibGit2Sharp project

Update Nov. 2020: you now have "Custom notification controls"

This week we are giving you more control over the types of content that you are notified about on GitHub:

Watching gets granular

Watching a repository can often be a double-edged sword.
You want to stay up to date with a project, but if you have a specific interest or role within the community, you have no choice but to subscribe to updates on everything.
No more.

Beneath the watch button, you’ll find that we have made a few changes: we’ve made the language clearer so you know what you’ll receive updates about, we’ve made the interface more accessible and, we’ve introduced a new custom category.
Within this, you can select the types of content you would like to be notified about.

Do you focus on code review? Limit your notifications to pull requests.
Are you a community manager? Select Discussions.
As new types of notifications are added, you’ll find them in this menu.

You’ll find these controls on all repository pages and on your watching page where you can customize notifications for repositories you already watch.

Since you can have email notifications, do note that, since Nov. 2018, you can get notification on new releases: that won't include all tags (since a release is associated to a tag, but not all tags receive a release).

Still, see "Watch releases "

You can now limit repository notifications exclusively to releases.
Receive notifications when new releases are published in a repository without receiving notifications about other updates and conversations.

I've made a simple tool, because Sibbell will be closing down on May 15th, 2018, as they told on their email yesterday.

I've put together a simple repository to have the same approach:

You can self-host it. Just provide your repositories and when a new release comes you'll get a push notification (using Pushbullet) and/or E-mail. You can also have an aggregated RSS feed to use with your reader app or IFTTT etc.

