Waterline ORM (sails.js) "where or" in query

There was an issue with the development database used by sails (waterline-criteria). The issue was the way strings and integers were handled in sails-disk. In the query criteria below, theScore, was being treated as a string. This has been resolved, so you just need to update sails-disk. You can do this by using npm install sails-disk --force --save. After that the example below should work fine.

You can try this (Updated):

    foo: function(req, res, next) {

    var theScore = req.param('id') || 0;


        or: [{

        score: {
            '>': parseInt(theScore),

        status: 'user'

      {  status: 'admin'}]

    }).exec(function(err, data) {
        if (err) return next(err);