-webkit-margin adds unwanted margin on texts

These -webkit-margin(s) are overwritten by margin: 0; padding: 0;. Do not worry about them.

Extra space? Maybe you've set line-height:?

Just remove the whitespace between tags e.g.

<p id="one"></p>
<p id="two"></p>


<p id="one"></p><p id="two"></p>

You can also directly modify those attributes like so:


Works for me in Chrome/Safari. Hope that helps!

I had the same issue. Displaying correctly in Firefox but not Chrome.

I had a closer look at http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ and found that I hadn't declared a general line-height for the body tag in my stylesheet. Set it to 1.2 and that recreated the correct layout in both browsers.


