website cannot be started another website may be using the same port

Ran across an issue like this when I was setting up a new web site on port 80. Of course, the Default Web Site instance is also on port 80, and conflicts. I thought I solved this by going to "Edit Bindings" and changing the "Default Web Site's" port to 81 and leaving my new site on 80. I still could not start my new site.

I had to delete and re-create my new web site, then I could start it.

It's like it still thought "Default Web Site" was on 80, even though it wasn't. Even an iisreset, a recycle of my new site's app pool and web site all did not work. Maybe if I had restarted the site/app pool of the "Default Web Site", maybe that would've worked, too, but didn't try it - just deleted/re-created my new site. But that was enough to break through the "Default Web Site" keeping a hold of that port!

I also received this error, but it was not because of multiple sites (my installation of IIS only had a single site with a single binding).

Running netstat -ano showed nothing listening on port 8624.

The problem was that a URL Reservation was generated previously for a different web server. I was able to query the URL ACLs with the following command in PowerShell as administrator:

netsh http show urlacl

To remove it, enter the following (replace the last argument with the reserved URL from the show urlacl query):

netsh http delete urlacl http://*:8624/


