website header hiding behind content when position is fixed

Add z-index:1000 to the #header css, and add padding-top to the body css which should be a bit more than header's height. For example, if the header's height is 40px, put the padding-top: 50px to the body css and it should work.

When you set the an element to have a fixed positioning, It assumes the other neighbouring elements don't exist. Give the element you want to be fixed a larger z-index. Then to prevent the overlapping, give the element preceded by the fixed element the same padding-top as the height of the fixed element. Hope it helps.

When you add position fixed and/or absolute to a element, it means that the element will leave the natural flow and now it belongs to "layer" that is not related to the layer where all the elements are with the natural flow of the document.

This is a great feature as now you can position those elements anywhere without worring about the rest of the page.

So, about your case. You picked the right position, fixed. Now the elements above it doesn't see it and you have to manually add the height of this header element as a margin and/or padding to the top of the next element.

For example, if you had the following:

   <div class="header"></div>
   <div class="content"></div>

Repeating what you did add a position fixed to header and considering that it's height is 50 px the content element would get a padding-top:50px and it should do the trick.


You can use z-index

Which element that you want to be in front of other elements, give the z-index value higher.

Like this:

z-index: 300;//navbars

z-index: 0;//contents