Websphere works when run but fails when debug

Solution 1 unchecked the Pass environment variables check box and restart the server in debug mode. it should work properly.

Run --> Edit Configuration --> websphere server --> Startup/Conections tab select debug, you will see the Pass environment variables check box. it need to be unchecked for debug to work.

Solution 2 if debug mode of websphere is working in eclipse and not working in intellij that reason i found out is debugging serverice on the websphere is already started and intellij is again trying to start the debggin service. so stop the service from websphere console (Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [serverName] > Debugging Service) and all the default configurations in intellij should work.

I had the same problem. Finally I figure it out. I hope this solution helps. I'm using Intellij idea 2019.1.3.. and WebSphere

  • check WebSphere start server script find debug env variable name (in my script (WebSphere\AppServer\bin\startServer.bat) WAS_DEBUG)
  • add same debug option name to intelliJ IDEA
  • run- debug configuration environment tab.

default debug env name env passed args

Since default env variable is debug and cannot be overridden

  • check pass env variables

  • add WAS_DEBUG option as I did

  • or you can update WAS_DEBUG as DEBUG (same as default in IntelliJ) in server startup.bat script.

    Both should work.

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