What algorithms exist to quickly compute the inverse factorial?
Assuming the input is correct, one could conceivably use Stirling's approximation or higher-order asymptotic expansions of the Gamma function and then invert. In other words, using the Stirling approximation $$ n! \sim \sqrt{2 \pi n} (n/e)^n, $$ one could for example take logarithms and obtain $$ \log(n!) \sim \frac{1}{2} \log(2 \pi) + (n - 1/2) \log(n) - n, $$ and then solve the resulting nonlinear equation using bisection combined with a Newton method. This would yield a non-integer value, but assuming that the input $k = n!$ is exact, then I would expect this rounds to the correct value.
If $n$ is the number of digits in $x!$ then $$n=\lfloor\log_{10} x!\rfloor +1\approx \frac{1}{\ln 10}\sum_{k=1}^x \ln k \approx \frac{1}{\ln 10} \int_1^x \ln t \; dt \approx \frac{x\ln x-x}{\ln 10}.$$
Say $x!$ has 2568 digits. I solve $2568 =(x \ln x-x)/\ln 10$ (by some method) to get $x=1000.764785$. I conclude $x=1000$, because most of what I discarded was negative. Sorry it's a little hand-wavy.