What are the benefits of using the Row Constructor syntax in a T-Sql insert statement?

Aye, there is a rather large performance difference between:

declare @numbers table (n int not null primary key clustered);

insert into @numbers (n)
values (0)
     , (1)
     , (2)
     , (3)
     , (4);


declare @numbers table (n int not null primary key clustered);

insert into @numbers (n) values (0);
insert into @numbers (n) values (1);
insert into @numbers (n) values (2);
insert into @numbers (n) values (3);
insert into @numbers (n) values (4);

The fact that every single insert statement has its own implicit transaction guarantees this. You can prove it to yourself easily by viewing the execution plans for each statement or by timing the executions using set statistics time on;. There is a fixed cost associated with "setting up" and "tearing down" the context for each individual insert and the second query has to pay this penalty five times while the first only pays it once.

Not only is the list method more efficient but you can also use it to build a derived table:

select *
from (values
  , (1)
  , (2)
  , (3)
  , (4)
) as Numbers (n);

This format gets around the 1,000 value limitation and allows you to join and filter your list before it is inserted. One might also notice that we're not bound to the insert statement at all! As a de facto table, this construct can be used anywhere a table reference would be valid.

Yes - you will see performance improvements. Especially with large numbers of records.