what are the different keywords used in feature file code example

Example: scenario outline

Scenario Outline: Search functionality header verification
    When User searches "" in the wiki search page
    Then User should see "" in the wiki title
    Then User should see "" in the main header
    Then User should see "" in the image header
    Examples: example test data for wikipedia search
      | searchValue     | expectedTitle   | expectedMainHeader | expectedImageHeader |
      | Steve Jobs      | Steve Jobs      | Steve Jobs         | Steve Jobs          |
      | John Travolta   | John Travolta   | John Travolta      | John Travolta       |
      | Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein    | Albert Einstein     |
      | Keanu Reeves    | Keanu Reeves    | Keanu Reeves       | Keanu Reeves        |
      | Bruce Lee       | Bruce Lee       | Bruce Lee          | Bruce Lee           |
      | Dua Lipa        | Dua Lipa        | Dua Lipa           | Dua Lipa            |
      | Thomas Edison   | Thomas Edison   | Thomas Edison      | Thomas Edison       |
      | Sam Heughan     | Sam Heughan     | Sam Heughan        | Sam Heughan         |


Misc Example