What champion abilities allow Yasuo to use his ultimate, Last Breath?
He can use it with every knock-up/knock-back. So, from all champions:
- Aatrox: Q
- Ahri: none
- Akali: none
- Alistar: Q, W
- Amumu: none
- Anivia: W
- Annie: none
- Ashe: none
- Aurelion Sol: R
- Azir: R
- Bard: none
- Blitz: Q, E
- Brand: none
- Braum: R
- Cait: none
- Camille: R
- Cassiopeia: none
- Cho'gath: Q
- Corki: Package W
- Darius: E
- Diana: E
- Dr. Mundo: none
- Draven: E
- Ekko: none
- Elise: none
- Evelynn: none
- Ezreal: none
- Fiddlesticks: none
- Fiora: none
- Fizz: R
- Galio: E, R
- Gangplank: none
- Garen: none
- Gnar: R
- Gragas: E, R
- Graves: none
- Hecarim: E
- Heimerdinger: none
- Illaoi: none
- Irelia: none
- Ivern: R (Daisy's 3rd attack can knock up)
- Janna: Q, R
- Jarvan: E+Q combo
- Jax: none
- Jayce: E (hammer stance)
- Jhin: none
- Jinx: none
- Kalista: R
- Karma: none
- Karthus: none
- Kassadin: none
- Katarina: none
- Kayle: none
- Kayn: W (Rhaast only)
- Kennen: none
- Kha'Zix: none
- Kindred: none
- Kled: Q, R
- Kog'maw: none
- LeBlanc: none
- Lee Sin: R
- Leona: none
- Lissandra: none
- Lucian: none
- Lulu: R
- Lux: none
- Malphite: R
- Malzahar: none
- Maokai: Q
- Master Yi: none
- Miss Fortune: none
- Mordekaiser: none
- Morgana: none
- Nami: Q, R
- Nasus: none
- Nautilus: Q, R
- Nidalee: none
- Nocturne: none
- Nunu: none
- Olaf: none
- Orianna: R
- Poppy: E
- Pantheon: none
- Quinn: E
- Rakan: W
- Rammus: Q
- Rek'Sai: W (burrowed)
- Rengar: none
- Renekton: none
- Riven: 3rd Q
- Rumble: none
- Ryze: none
- Sejuani: Q
- Shaco: none
- Shen: none
- Shyvana: R
- Singed: E
- Sion: Q, R
- Sivir: none
- Skarner: none
- Sona: none
- Soraka: none
- Swain: none
- Syndra: E
- Tahm Kench: none
- Talon: none
- Taliyah: W
- Taric: none
- Teemo: none
- Thresh: Q, E
- Tristana: R
- Trundle: E
- Tryndamere: none
- Twisted Fate: none
- Twitch: none
- Udyr: none
- Urgot: E
- Varus: none
- Vayne: E
- Veigar: none
- Vel' Koz: E
- Vi: Q, R
- Viktor: W (upgraded)
- Volibear: Q
- Warwick: none
- Wukong: R
- Xayah: none
- Xerath: none
- Xin Zhao: Q, R
- Yasuo: 3rd Q (duuh...)
- Yorick: none
- Zac: Q, E, R
- Zed: none
- Ziggs: W
- Zilean: none
Zyra: R
Blasting plant knock-up: Only works when Yasuo or his ally hits the plant that knocks up an opponent. Reddit Thread with discussion and confirmation
Things that didn't work for me but still are knock-ups somehow:
- Vilemaw(Big creepy spider in TT): Net attack
- Baron: Knock-up
It works on any unit that is in the air.
So if an ability say knocking target into the air it will work.
a few champs that come to mind:
- Blitzcrank
- Alistar
- Malphite
- Janna
- Cho gath
- Nautilus
- Aatrox
- Jarvan
- Zyra
- Wukong
- Thresh Death Sentence and Flay
There are probably more, but it will work with these champs
There are tons of abilities that actually work with Yasuo, despite the fact that they are not knock-ups. Draven's Stand Aside, Tristana's ultimate, Riven's third 'Q' strike, and the list goes on. Basically anyone with any ability that knocks someone back or moves the person will work with Yasuo's ultimate.