What do the Stream reduce() requirements exactly entail?

Let me give two examples. First where the identity is broken:

int result = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
        .reduce(10, (a, b) -> a + b);

System.out.println(result); // 81 on my run

Basically you have broken this rule: The identity value must be an identity for the accumulator function.  This means that for all u, accumulator(identity, u) is equal to u.

Or to make is simpler, let's see if that rule holds for some random data from our Stream:

 Integer identity = 10;
 BinaryOperator<Integer> combiner = (x, y) -> x + y;
 boolean identityRespected = combiner.apply(identity, 1) == 1;
 System.out.println(identityRespected); // prints false

And a second example:

 * count letters, adding a bit more all the time
private static int howMany(List<String> tokens) {
    return tokens.stream()
            .reduce(0, // identity
                    (i, s) -> { // accumulator
                        return s.length() + i;
                    }, (left, right) -> { // combiner
                        return left + right + left; // notice the extra left here

And you invoke this with:

List<String> left = Arrays.asList("aa", "bbb", "cccc", "ddddd", "eeeeee");
List<String> right = Arrays.asList("aa", "bbb", "cccc", "ddddd", "eeeeee", "");

System.out.println(howMany(left));  // 38 on my run
System.out.println(howMany(right)); // 50 on my run

Basically you have broken this rule: Additionally, the combiner function must be compatible with the accumulator function or in code :

// this must hold!
// combiner.apply(u, accumulator.apply(identity, t)) == accumulator.apply(u, t)

Integer identity = 0;
String t = "aa";
Integer u = 3; // "bbb"
BiFunction<Integer, String, Integer> accumulator = (Integer i, String s) -> i + s.length();
BinaryOperator<Integer> combiner = (left, right) -> left + right + left;

int first = accumulator.apply(identity, t); // 2
int second = combiner.apply(u, first); // 3 + 2 + 3 = 8

Integer shouldBe8 = accumulator.apply(u, t);

System.out.println(shouldBe8 == second); // false

why isn't the accumulator associative?

It's not associative since the order of subtraction operations determines the final result.

If you run a serial Stream, you'll get the expected result of:

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 = -21

On the other hand, for parallel Streams, the work is split to multiple threads. For example, if reduce is executed in parallel on 6 threads, and then the intermediate results are combined, you can get a different result:

0 - 1   0 - 2   0 - 3      0 - 4     0 - 5    0 - 6
  -1     -2      -3         -4        -5        -6

  -1 - (-2)         -3 - (-4)          -5 - (-6)
      1                 1                  1
           1   -   1
               0            -     1


Or, to make a long example short:

(1 - 2) - 3 = -4
1 - (2 - 3) =  2

Therefore subtraction is not associative.

On the other hand, a+b doesn't cause the same problem, since addition is an associative operator (i.e. (a+b)+c == a+(b+c)).

The problem with the identity example is that when reduce is executed in parallel on multiple threads, "X" is appended to the starts of each intermediate result.

What exactly would be a proper identity to use then?

If you change the identity value to "" :

.reduce("", String::concat));

you'll get "wolf" instead of "XwXoXlXf".