What does ${} (dollar sign and curly braces) mean in a string in Javascript?
You can also perform Implicit Type Conversions with template literals. Example:
let fruits = ["mango","orange","pineapple","papaya"];
console.log(`My favourite fruits are ${fruits}`);
// My favourite fruits are mango,orange,pineapple,papaya
As mentioned in a comment above, you can have expressions within the template strings/literals. Example:
const one = 1;
const two = 2;
const result = `One add two is ${one + two}`;
console.log(result); // output: One add two is 3
You're talking about template literals.
They allow for both multiline strings and string interpolation.
Multiline strings:
// foo
// bar
String interpolation:
var foo = 'bar';
console.log(`Let's meet at the ${foo}`);
// Let's meet at the bar