What does "return $this" mean?

$this means the current object, the one the method is currently being run on. By returning $this a reference to the object the method is working gets sent back to the calling function.

So anyone doing

 $foo2 = $foo->SetOptions($bar);

$foo2 now refers to $foo also.

you just can create a function chain

class My_class

        public function method1($param)
                 * logic here

                return $this;

        public function method2($param)
                 * logic here

                return $this;

        public function method3($param)
                 * logic here

                return $this;


so you can use this

            My_class obj = new My_class();

            $return = obj->method1($param)->method2($param)->method3($param);

This way of coding is called fluent interface. return $this returns the current object, so you can write code like this:


instead of:


This will return the instance this method is called on. This usually done for achieving fluent interfaces so you can call stuff like:

CoolClass::factory('hello')->setOptions(array('coolness' => 5))->sayHello();

Where both setOptions and sayHello would be called on the same object.