What does the name after the closing class bracket means?

It's shorthand for:

class C

C g_c;

} g_c;

Here g_c is declared to be an object of the class type C.

Such construct enables you to create object(s) of unnamed type as:

class  //Nameless class!
   //data members

}obj1, obj2;

In this example, obj1 and obj2 are declared to be objects of a class type which has not been given any name — the class is nameless! In such situation, you cannot declare objects in a conventional sense (i.e Type obj1, obj2; sense). So this construct helps you do that.

You can even derive from other named classes while being nameless (and declaring the objects of the nameless class):

class : public A, public B //Nameless class is deriving from A and B
   //data members

}obj1, obj2;

In short, this construct ensures that the user wouldn't be able to create more objects than intended, unless some evil programmer uses/misuses/abuses C++11 (or template) as:

decltype(obj1) obj3; //hehe!

Hope that helps!

