What happened to FindSDL2 in CMake?

FindSDL2 has never appeared in CMake. Following the reject reason in pull request #149, SDL2 ships with a SDL2Config.cmake, which provides a cmake package. The documentation for find_package states that find_package(SDL2) will behave as follows:

  • Look for FindSDL2.cmake, use that if it exists. (module mode)
  • Otherwise, use the information in SDL2Config.cmake or sdl2-config.cmake. (config mode)

In short, make sure that your SDL2 package has installed the SDL2Config.cmake file and that is on your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. The documentation lists the exact paths and prefixes it looks under.

To easily integrate the SDL2 library, I developed cross-platform modern CMake modules for finding and using the SDL2 library as well as other related libraries:

  • SDL2: example, game example
  • SDL2_image: example
  • SDL2_ttf: example
  • SDL2_mixer: example
  • SDL2_net
  • SDL2_gfx: animation example

So the only things that you should do in order to integrate the SDL2 library are:

  1. Clone SDL2 CMake modules inside your project:
git clone https://github.com/aminosbh/sdl2-cmake-modules cmake/sdl2
  1. Add the following lines in your main CMakeLists.txt
find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} SDL2::Main)

Note: If CMake didn't find the SDL2 library (in Windows), we can specify the CMake option SDL2_PATH as follows:

cmake .. -DSDL2_PATH="/path/to/sdl2"

For more details, please read the README.md file.
This is a list of SDL2 samples and projects: https://github.com/aminosbh/sdl-samples-and-projects



Sdl 2