What is manifest file in Android?
check this link,
Every application must have an AndroidManifest.xml file (with precisely that name) in its root directory. The manifest presents essential information about the application to the Android system, information the system must have before it can run any of the application's code
It will have identifier for all resource used in our project
thank you.
Manifest file:
- It is a declaration file.
- Here only Which activity should start first, that has been declared.
- It declares which permissions the application must have.
- It also declares the permissions that others are required to have in order to interact.
- It declares the minimum level of the Android API.
- It lists the libraries that the application must be linked.
- All the component should declared here.
- The components are activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers.
R.java file:
- It is an auto-generated file by aapt (Android Asset Packaging Tool) that contains resource IDs for all the resources of res/ directory.
- If you create any component in the activity_main.xml file, id for the corresponding component is automatically created in this file.
- This id can be used in the activity source file to perform any action on the component.