what is operator overloading in c++? code example

Example 1: c++ overloaded == operator

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Car
    std::string m_make;
    std::string m_model;
    Car(const std::string& make, const std::string& model)
        : m_make{ make }, m_model{ model }
    friend bool operator== (const Car &c1, const Car &c2);
    friend bool operator!= (const Car &c1, const Car &c2);
bool operator== (const Car &c1, const Car &c2)
    return (c1.m_make== c2.m_make &&
            c1.m_model== c2.m_model);
bool operator!= (const Car &c1, const Car &c2)
    return !(c1== c2);
int main()
    Car corolla{ "Toyota", "Corolla" };
    Car camry{ "Toyota", "Camry" };
    if (corolla == camry)
        std::cout << "a Corolla and Camry are the same.\n";
    if (corolla != camry)
        std::cout << "a Corolla and Camry are not the same.\n";
    return 0;

Example 2: c++ operator overloading

// money.h -- define the prototype
class Money
      Money & operator += (const Money &rhs);

// money.cpp -- define the implementation
Money& Money :: operator += (const Money &rhs)
   // Yadda Yadda
   return *this;

Example 3: Operator overloading in C++ Programming

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Test
      int count;

       Test(): count(5){}

       void operator ++() 
          count = count+1; 
       void Display() { cout<<"Count: "<<count; }

int main()
    Test t;
    // this calls "function void operator ++()" function
    return 0;

Example 4: operator overloading in c++

Box operator+(const Box&);

Example 5: c++ overload operator

#include <iostream>

class ExampleClass {
    ExampleClass() {}
  	ExampleClass(int ex) {
      example_ = 0;
    int&       example()        { return example_; }
    const int& example() const  { return example_; }
  	//Overload the "+" Operator
  	ExampleClass operator+ (const ExampleClass& second_object_of_class) {
    	ExampleClass object_of_class;
    	object_of_class.example() = this -> example() + second_object_of_class.example();
    	return object_of_class;
  	int example_;

int main() {
  ExampleClass c1, c2;
  c1.example() = 1;
  c2.example() = 2;
  ExampleClass c3 = c1 + c2;
  //Calls operator+() of c1 with c2 as second_object_of_class
  //c3 gets set to object_of_class
  std::cout << c3.example();

Example 6: operator ++ overloading c++

class Point
	Point& operator++() { ... }		// prefix
	Point operator++(int) { ... }	// postfix
  	friend Point& operator++(Point &p);			// friend prefix
  	friend Point operator++(Point &p, int);		// friend postfix
  	// in Microsoft Docs written "friend Point& operator++(Point &p, int);"