what is regular expression code example

Example 1: Define REGEXP?

REGEXP is a pattern match in which matches pattern anywhere in the search value.

Example 2: regular expression

One of my favorite regex testers:

Example 3: regular expression


Example 4: regular expression

Characters \, ., \cX, \d, \D, \f, \n, \r, \s, \S, \t, \v, \w, \W, \0, \xhh, \uhhhh, \uhhhhh, [\b]	
Assertions 	^, $, x(?=y), x(?!y), (?<=y)x, (?<!y)x, \b, \B
Groups 		(x), (?:x), (?<Name>x), x|y, [xyz], [^xyz], \Number	
Quantifiers *, +, ?, x{n}, x{n,}, x{n,m}
Unicode \p{UnicodeProperty}, \P{UnicodeProperty}
let re = /findme/
let defaults = new RegExp('compiled'); 
defaults = { dotAll: false, flags: "", global: false, ignoreCase: false, falselastIndex: 0, multiline: false, source: "abc", sticky: false, unicode: false}


Sql Example