What is the appropriate replacement of deprecated getSupportLoaderManager()?

The reason why this method is deprecated is because Loaders have been unbundled from their historical Fragment and FragmentActivity implementations in order to live in their own library that will soon be an optional dependency, and their implementation has been rewritten on top of architecture components.

The unbundled way of retrieving a LoaderManager instance is to use the static factory method:


where T is an instance of both LifecycleOwner and ViewModelStoreOwner (the main implementations being FragmentActivity and Fragment).

As stated here: Loaders

"Loaders have been deprecated as of Android P (API 28). The recommended option for dealing with loading data while handling the Activity and Fragment lifecycles is to use a combination of ViewModels and LiveData."

Whenever you see something is deprecated, go directly to the developer api reference site and review the class or function for which you're looking and if there is an equivalent alternative.

I also had this issue too and this code solved it for me LoaderManager.getInstance(this).initLoader(0,null,mRecipeLoaderManager);

i hope it helps