What is the best Math Font for use with Minion Pro font?

I suggest to use the MinionPro package. It works under XeLaTeX and pdfLaTeX. It is part of the Font Pro package available from https://github.com/sebschub/FontPro. Follow the instructions there to install it.

The following MWE



This is the standard Minion Pro Font\ldots My issue is with the 'f' in italic math mode. It needs more space. For example:

f(x) = x^2 + f(n-1) 



enter image description here

Another solution is to use the MnSymbols package. To avoid the problem with the \mathdollar already defined error one can use the following workaround.


\setmainfont{Minion Pro}


% the next line makes the definition of \mathdollar from MnSymbol void.

% the next 3 lines reinstate the definition of \mathdollar from MnSymbols 
% at the begin  of the document

André Miede, the author of classicthesis - which uses Minion Pro, recommends the Euler Math font to use with the latter one:

"[...] loads the awesome Euler fonts for math." [emphesis mine]

(from the classicthesis documentation, page 6)

According to the German Wikipedia article there is a Minion Math font by Typoma, specifically designed for Minion Pro.

Find more information on their homepage at http://www.typoma.com/de/schriften.html