What is the buffer size in BufferedReader?

When you read or write in a file, you must access the kernel, which actually gains access to the file. All file operations must go through the kernel. This is a fairly costly operation. Buffering causes a chunk of bytes to be read; these are held in a temporary location in RAM and are bytes are read in from this location. In this way, you are not making frequent requests of the kernel to do file IO.

If you use a huge buffer size, you will hog up RAM needlessly. If you use a tiny one, you will be bugging the kernel constantly for file requests. It is best to allow the default to be used. You can specify buffer size and experiment. Most machines will read a sector at a time or an integer number of sectors. The sector size depends upon how you format your machine.

The following experiment is interesting. Make a file with 1,000,000 zeroes in it. Use your OS's timing feature to see how fast it copies it to another file (you will write a copy program with buffered and unbuffered IO). Time it with various buffer sizes including the default.


As per this java documentation, default buffer size is 8192 characters capacity. Line size is considered as 80 chars capacity.

8192 buffer size is sufficient for smaller file sizes. But again this is growable. if file contains more than 8192 characters, then fill method of bufferedreader will increase the buffer size before reading content from file. For bigger content files preferably set your own max size to buffer while creating buffered reader through constructor, so that you can avoid recreating memory and copying the old array into newly created array.

BufferedReader buffers the input, just as the name says. This means that it reads from the input source into a buffer before passing it onto you. The buffer size here refers to the number of bytes it buffers.

Reading input from most sources is very slow. A buffer of just 2 bytes is going to hurt performance, as your program is very likely going to be waiting on input most of the time. With a buffer size of 2, a read of 100 bytes will result in reading 2 bytes from the in-memory buffer (very fast), filling the buffer (very slow), reading 2 bytes from the buffer (very fast), filling the buffer (very slow), etc - overall very slow. With a buffer size of 100, a read of 100 bytes will result in reading 100 bytes from the in-memory buffer (very fast) - overall very fast. This is assuming the buffer is contains the 100 bytes when reading though, which in a case like yours is a reasonable assumption to make.

Unless you know what you're doing, you should use the default buffer size which is quite large. One reason for a smaller buffer is when you are running on a limited-memory device, as the buffer consumes memory.