What is the correct type for array indexes in C?

I think you should use ptrdiff_t for the following reasons

  • Indices can be negative. Therefore for a general statement, all unsigned types, including size_t, are unsuitable.
  • The type of p2 - p1 is ptrdiff_t. If i == p2 - p1, then you should be able to get p2 back by p2 == p1 + i. Notice that *(p + i) is equivalent to p[i].
  • As another indication for this "general index type", the type of the index that's used by overload resolution when the builtin operator[] (for example, on a pointer) competes against a user-provided operator[] (for example vector's) is exactly that (http://eel.is/c++draft/over.built#16): >

    For every cv-qualified or cv-unqualified object type T there exist candidate operator functions of the form

    T*      operator+(T*, std::ptrdiff_t);
    T&      operator[](T*, std::ptrdiff_t);
    T*      operator-(T*, std::ptrdiff_t);
    T*      operator+(std::ptrdiff_t, T*);
    T&      operator[](std::ptrdiff_t, T*);

EDIT: If you have a really big array or a pointer to a really big memory portion, then my "general index type" doesn't cut it, as it then isn't guaranteed that you can subtract the first element's address from the last element's address. @Ciro's answer should be used then https://stackoverflow.com/a/31090426/34509 . Personally I try to avoid using unsigned types for their non-ability to represent negative edge cases (loop end-values when iterating backwards for example), but this is a kind of religious debate (I'm not alone in that camp, though). In cases where using an unsigned type is required, I must put my religion aside, of course.

I almost always use size_t for array indices/loop counters. Sure there are some special instances where you may want signed offsets, but in general using a signed type has a lot of problems:

The biggest risk is that if you're passed a huge size/offset by a caller treating things as unsigned (or if you read it from a wrongly-trusted file), you may interpret it as a negative number and fail to catch that it's out of bounds. For instance if (offset<size) array[offset]=foo; else error(); will write somewhere it shouldn't.

Another problem is the possibility of undefined behavior with signed integer overflow. Whether you use unsigned or signed arithmetic, there are overflow issues to be aware of and check for, but personally I find the unsigned behavior a lot easier to deal with.

Yet another reason to use unsigned arithmetic (in general) - sometimes I'm using indices as offsets into a bit array and I want to use %8 and /8 or %32 and /32. With signed types, these will be actual division operations. With unsigned, the expected bitwise-and/bitshift operations can be generated.

Since the type of sizeof(array) (and malloc's argument) is size_t, and the array can't hold more elements than its size, it follows that size_t can be used for the array's index.

EDIT This analysis is for 0-based arrays, which is the common case. ptrdiff_t will work in any case, but it's a little strange for an index variable to have a pointer-difference type.