What is the correct way to pass Parameters to Lightning JS controller from UI:Button?

There is no need for a form in your td.

Wrap your button in a div, attach the value to the div via a data- attribute and grab it from the event.currentTarget. Eg:

<div onclick="{!c.removeItem}" data-value="123">
    <lightning:button label="Remove" iconName="utility:delete" iconPosition="left"  variant="destructive" value="123"/>

Controller method:

removeItem: function(component, event, helper) {
    var ctarget = event.currentTarget;
    var id_str = ctarget.dataset.value;

The alternative method is to define a new custom component for a row in the table. Make that component have Item as an attribute, then you can read it in the event handler.

    <aura:attribute name="item" type="Item__c" />
            <div class="slds-truncate" title="{!item.Name}">{!item.Name}</div>
            <lightning:button label="Remove" iconName="utility:delete" iconPosition="left" variant="destructive" onclick="{!c.removeItem}" value="{!item.Id}"/>

Then the controller for this component would include:

removeItem: function(component, event, helper) {
    var id_str = component.get('v.item').Id;

I think currently recommended by Salesforce way of passing parameters from button to controller is by using event.getSource(). Please note it will work only on Lightning components (for example on lightning:button and not on standard HTML <button>. For HTML components use event.currentTarget as in other answer) Please consider following example:


<aura:attribute name="colours" type="String[]" default="['red', 'green', 'blue']"/>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.colours}" var="col">
    <lightning:button label="{!'Colour ' + col}" value="{!col}" onclick="{!c.onBtnColourClick}"/><br/>


onBtnColourClick: function(component, event, helper) {
    var msg = event.getSource().get('v.value');
    //do something with value
    component.set('v.message', msg);

This is especially useful in cases like when you need to make a table in which every row has individual button (let's say Delete the record from this row). We have to pass somehow the recordId of record in specific row.

For lightning:button component, you can use name and value attributes to assign value from iterated object.

WARNING: Please note that as time of writing you cannot generate aura:id dynamically, so in the example above writing aura:id="{!col}" and using event.getSource().getLocalId() in controller would give you literally '{!col}' string!