What is the current directory in a batch file?

From within your batch file:

  • %cd% refers to the current working directory (variable)
  • %~dp0 refers to the full path to the batch file's directory (static)
  • %~dpnx0 and %~f0 both refer to the full path to the batch directory and file name (static).

See also: What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?

It usually is the directory from which the batch file is started, but if you start the batch file from a shortcut, a different starting directory could be given. Also, when you'r in cmd, and your current directory is c:\dir3, you can still start the batch file using c:\dir1\dir2\batch.bat in which case, the current directory will be c:\dir3.

In a batch file, %cd% is the most commonly used command for the current directory, although you can set your own variable:

set mypath=%cd%
echo %mypath% (where %mypath% is the current directory that the batch file is sitting in)

So say you were wanting to open Myprog.exe. If it was in the same folder, you would use the command:

start %mypath%\Myprog.exe

That would open Myprog from the current folder.

The other option is to make a directory in C: called AutomatePrograms. Then, you transfer your files to that folder then you can open them using the following command:

start "" "C:\AutomatePrograms\Myprog1.exe"
start "" "C:\AutomatePrograms\Myprog2.exe"
start "" "C:\AutomatePrograms\Myprog3.exe"