What is the difference between map() and switchMap() methods?

As per the documentation


Applies a function on the value stored in the LiveData object, and propagates the result downstream.


Similar to map, applies a function to the value stored in the LiveData object and unwraps and dispatches the result downstream. The function passed to switchMap() must return a LiveData object.

In other words, I may not be 100% correct but if you are familiar with RxJava; Transformations#map is kind of similar to Observable#map & Transformations#switchMap is similar to Observable#switchMap.

Let's take an example, there is a LiveData which emits a string and we want to display that string in capital letters.

One approach would be as follows; in an activity or fragment

Transformations.map(stringsLiveData, String::toUpperCase)
    .observe(this, textView::setText);

the function passed to the map returns a string only, but it's the Transformation#map which ultimately returns a LiveData.

The second approach; in an activity or fragment

Transformations.switchMap(stringsLiveData, this::getUpperCaseStringLiveData)
            .observe(this, textView::setText);

private LiveData<String> getUpperCaseStringLiveData(String str) {
    MutableLiveData<String> liveData = new MutableLiveData<>();
    return liveData;

If you see Transformations#switchMap has actually switched the LiveData. So, again as per the documentation The function passed to switchMap() must return a LiveData object.

So, in case of map it is the source LiveData you are transforming and in case of switchMap the passed LiveData will act as a trigger on which it will switch to another LiveData after unwrapping and dispatching the result downstream.

My observation is that, if your transformation process is fast (Doesn't involve database operation, or networking activity), then you can choose to use map.

However, if your transformation process is slow (Involving database operation, or networking activity), you need to use switchMap

switchMap is used when performing time-consuming operation

class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    final MutableLiveData<String> mString = new MutableLiveData<>();
    final LiveData<Integer> mCode;

    public MyViewModel(String string) {

        mCode = Transformations.switchMap(mString, input -> {
            final MutableLiveData<Integer> result = new MutableLiveData<>();

            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    // Pretend we are busy
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                    int code = 0;
                    for (int i=0; i<input.length(); i++) {
                        code = code + (int)input.charAt(i);


            return result;

        if (string != null) {

    public LiveData<Integer> getCode() {
        return mCode;

    public void search(String string) {

map is not suitable for time-consuming operation

class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    final MutableLiveData<String> mString = new MutableLiveData<>();
    final LiveData<Integer> mCode;

    public MyViewModel(String string) {

        mCode = Transformations.map(mString, input -> {
                Note: You can't launch a Thread, or sleep right here. 
                If you do so, the APP will crash with ANR.
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            int code = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<input.length(); i++) {
                code = code + (int)input.charAt(i);
            return code;

        if (string != null) {

    public LiveData<Integer> getCode() {
        return mCode;

    public void search(String string) {