What is the difference between partial fit and warm start?

I don't know about the Passive Aggressor, but at least when using the SGDRegressor, partial_fit will only fit for 1 epoch, whereas fit will fit for multiple epochs (until the loss converges or max_iter is reached). Therefore, when fitting new data to your model, partial_fit will only correct the model one step towards the new data, but with fit and warm_start it will act as if you would combine your old data and your new data together and fit the model once until convergence.


from sklearn.linear_model import SGDRegressor
import numpy as np

X = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=50).reshape(-1, 1)
Y = (X * 1.5 + 2).reshape(50,)

modelFit = SGDRegressor(learning_rate="adaptive", eta0=0.01, random_state=0, verbose=1,
                     shuffle=True, max_iter=2000, tol=1e-3, warm_start=True)
modelPartialFit = SGDRegressor(learning_rate="adaptive", eta0=0.01, random_state=0, verbose=1,
                     shuffle=True, max_iter=2000, tol=1e-3, warm_start=False)
# first fit some data
modelFit.fit(X, Y)
modelPartialFit.fit(X, Y)
# for both: Convergence after 50 epochs, Norm: 1.46, NNZs: 1, Bias: 2.000027, T: 2500, Avg. loss: 0.000237
print(modelFit.coef_, modelPartialFit.coef_) # for both: [1.46303288]

# now fit new data (zeros)
newX = X
newY = 0 * Y

# fits only for 1 epoch, Norm: 1.23, NNZs: 1, Bias: 1.208630, T: 50, Avg. loss: 1.595492:
modelPartialFit.partial_fit(newX, newY)

# Convergence after 49 epochs, Norm: 0.04, NNZs: 1, Bias: 0.000077, T: 2450, Avg. loss: 0.000313:
modelFit.fit(newX, newY)

print(modelFit.coef_, modelPartialFit.coef_) # [0.04245779] vs. [1.22919864]
newX = np.reshape([2], (-1, 1))
print(modelFit.predict(newX), modelPartialFit.predict(newX)) # [0.08499296] vs. [3.66702685]

If warm_start = False, each subsequent call to .fit() (after an initial call to .fit() or partial_fit()) will reset the model's trainable parameters for the initialisation. If warm_start = True, each subsequent call to .fit() (after an initial call to .fit() or partial_fit()) will retain the values of the model's trainable parameters from the previous run, and use those initially. Regardless of the value of warm_start, each call to partial_fit() will retain the previous run's model parameters and use those initially.

Example using MLPRegressor:

import sklearn.neural_network
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=50).reshape(-1, 1)
y = (x * 1.5 + 2).reshape(50,)
cold_model = sklearn.neural_network.MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(), warm_start=False, max_iter=1)
warm_model = sklearn.neural_network.MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(), warm_start=True, max_iter=1)

print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[0.17009494]])] [array([0.74643783])]
print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-0.60819342]])] [array([-1.21256186])]
#after second run of .fit(), values are completely different
#because they were re-initialised before doing the second run for the cold model

print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39815616]])] [array([1.651504])]
print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39715616]])] [array([1.652504])]
#this time with the warm model, params change relatively little, as params were
#not re-initialised during second call to .fit()

print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-0.60719343]])] [array([-1.21156187])]
print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-0.60619347]])] [array([-1.21056189])]
#with partial_fit(), params barely change even for cold model,
#as no re-initialisation occurs

print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39615617]])] [array([1.65350392])]
print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39515619]])] [array([1.65450372])]
#and of course the same goes for the warm model

First, let us look at the difference between .fit() and .partial_fit().

.fit() would let you train from the scratch. Hence, you could think of this as a option that can be used only once for a model. If you call .fit() again with a new set of data, the model would be build on the new data and will have no influence of previous dataset.

.partial_fit() would let you update the model with incremental data. Hence, this option can be used more than once for a model. This could be useful, when the whole dataset cannot be loaded into the memory, refer here.

If both .fit() or .partial_fit() are going to be used once, then it makes no difference.

warm_start can be only used in .fit(), it would let you start the learning from the co-eff of previous fit(). Now it might sound similar to the purpose to partial_fit(), but recommended way would be partial_fit(). May be do the partial_fit() with same incremental data few number of times, to improve the learning.