What is the difference between __set__ and __setattr__ in Python and when should which be used?

In python, something like this should be implemented using a property (and then only when they do something useful).

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = None

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def x(self,y):
        self._x = y

In this example, it would be better to just do (as pointed out by Edward):

class Foo(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.x = None

since our getter/setter methods don't actually do anything ... However, properties become very useful when the setter/getter actually does something more than just assign/return an attribute's value.

It could also be implemented using __setattr__/__getattr__ (but it shouldn't be implemented this way as it quickly becomes cumbersome if your class has more than 1 property. I would also guess that doing it this way would be slower than using properties):

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = None
    def __setattr__(self,attr,obj):
        if(attr == 'x'):

    def __getattr__(self,attr):
        if(attr == 'x'):
            return object.__getattr__(self,'_x')
            return object.__getattr__(self,attr)

In terms of what __setattr__ and __getattr__ actually do... __setattr__/__getattr__ are what are called when you do something like:

myclassinstance = MyClass()
myclassinstance.x = 'foo'  #translates to MyClass.__setattr__(myclassinstance,'x','foo')
bar = myclassinstance.x    #translates to bar=MyClass.__getattr__(myclassinstance,'x')

As for __get__ and __set__: previous posts have discussed that quite nicely.

Note that in python there is no such thing as private variables. In general, in a class member is prefixed with an underscore, you shouldn't mess with it (unless you know what you're doing of course). If it's prefixed with 2 underscores, it will invoke name-mangling which makes it harder to access outside the class. This is used to prevent namespace clashes in inheritance (and those variables are generally also not to be messed with).

If the getter/setter are really as trivial as that, then you shouldn't even bother with them: just use an instance variable. If you do need a getter/setter that does something interesting, then you should switch to a property, as mgilson described. Note that you can change from an instance variable to a property without anything that uses your code noticing the difference. I.e., start with:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = None

And only change to the property-based accessors mgilson described if/when it turns out you need something interesting to happen when you get/set the attribute.

__set__() is used in descriptors when the descriptor is assigned to. __setattr__() is used when binding to an attribute of an object. Unless you're creating a descriptor, you won't use __set__().