What is the easiest or most effective way to convert month's abbreviation to a number in Perl? (ie "jan" to 1)

borrowed from here

%mon2num = qw(
    jan 1  feb 2  mar 3  apr 4  may 5  jun 6
    jul 7  aug 8  sep 9  oct 10 nov 11 dec 12

and to retrieve


Here is yet another way to do it:

my %month; @month{qw/jan feb mar apr may jun
                     jul aug sep oct nov dec/} = (1 .. 12);

Importing such a module is not likely to cost that much memory that you should refrain from it, though in this case probably a simple hash would be just as good. Something like

my %number_for = (
    jan => 1,
    feb => 2,