What is the more elegant way to remove all characters after specific character in the String object in Swift

Here is a way to do it:

var str = "str.str"

if let dotRange = str.rangeOfString(".") {

Update In Swift 3 it is:

var str = "str.str"

if let dotRange = str.range(of: ".") {

I think this is better approach:

Update with Swift 4: (substring is now deprecated)

let smth = "element=value"

if let index = (smth.range(of: "=")?.upperBound)
  //prints "value"
  let afterEqualsTo = String(smth.suffix(from: index))

  //prints "element="
  let beforeEqualsToContainingSymbol = String(smth.prefix(upTo: index))

if let index = (smth.range(of: "=")?.lowerBound)
  //prints "=value"
  let afterEqualsToContainingSymbol = String(smth.suffix(from: index))

  //prints "element"
  let beforeEqualsTo = String(smth.prefix(upTo: index))

Quite a compact way would be:

var str = "str.str"
str = str.componentsSeparatedByString(".")[0]

Another option you might be interested in, which works for your example 'str.str' but doesn't fit your specification is:

str = str.stringByDeletingPathExtension
// Returns a new string made by deleting the extension (if any, and only the last)
// from the `String`

