What is the most efficient way to get the minimum of multiple columns on SQL Server 2005?

I tested the performance of all 3 methods, and here's what I found:

  • 1 record: No noticeable difference
  • 10 records: No noticeable difference
  • 1,000 records: No noticeable difference
  • 10,000 records: UNION subquery was a little slower. The CASE WHEN query is a little faster than the UNPIVOT one.
  • 100,000 records: UNION subquery is significantly slower, but UNPIVOT query becomes a little faster than the CASE WHEN query
  • 500,000 records: UNION subquery still significantly slower, but UNPIVOT becomes much faster than the CASE WHEN query

So the end results seems to be

  • With smaller record sets there doesn't seem to be enough of a difference to matter. Use whatever is easiest to read and maintain.

  • Once you start getting into larger record sets, the UNION ALL subquery begins to perform poorly compared to the other two methods.

  • The CASE statement performs the best up until a certain point (in my case, around 100k rows), and which point the UNPIVOT query becomes the best-performing query

The actual number at which one query becomes better than another will probably change as a result of your hardware, database schema, data, and current server load, so be sure to test with your own system if you're concerned about performance.

I also ran some tests using Mikael's answer; however, it was slower than all 3 of the other methods tried here for most recordset sizes. The only exception was it did better than a the UNION ALL query for very large recordset sizes. I like the fact it shows the column name in addition to the smallest value though.

I'm not a dba, so I may not have optimized my tests and missed something. I was testing with the actual live data, so that may have affected the results. I tried to account for that by running each query a few different times, but you never know. I would definitely be interested if someone wrote up a clean test of this and shared their results.

Don't know about what is fastest but you could try something like this.

declare @T table
  Col1 int,
  Col2 int,
  Col3 int,
  Col4 int,
  Col5 int,
  Col6 int

insert into @T values(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
insert into @T values(2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6)

select T4.ColName, T4.ColValue
from @T as T1
  cross apply (
                select T3.ColValue, T3.ColName
                from (
                       select row_number() over(order by T2.ColValue) as rn,
                       from (
                              select T1.Col1, 'Col1' union all
                              select T1.Col2, 'Col2' union all
                              select T1.Col3, 'Col3' union all
                              select T1.Col4, 'Col4' union all
                              select T1.Col5, 'Col5' union all
                              select T1.Col6, 'Col6'
                            ) as T2(ColValue, ColName)
                     ) as T3
                where T3.rn = 1
              ) as T4


ColName ColValue
------- -----------
Col1    1
Col3    1

If you are not interested in what column has the min value you can use this instead.

declare @T table
  Id int,
  Col1 int,
  Col2 int,
  Col3 int,
  Col4 int,
  Col5 int,
  Col6 int

insert into @T
select 1,        3,       4,       0,       2,       1,       5 union all
select 2,        2,       6,      10,       5,       7,       9 union all
select 3,        1,       1,       2,       3,       4,       5 union all
select 4,        9,       5,       4,       6,       8,       9

select T.Id, (select min(T1.ColValue)
              from (
                      select T.Col1 union all
                      select T.Col2 union all
                      select T.Col3 union all
                      select T.Col4 union all
                      select T.Col5 union all
                      select T.Col6
                    ) as T1(ColValue)
             ) as ColValue
from @T as T

A simplified unpivot query.

select Id, min(ColValue) as ColValue
from @T
unpivot (ColValue for Col in (Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6)) as U
group by Id

Add a persisted computed column that uses a CASE statement to do the logic you need.

The minimum value will then always be efficiently available when you need to do a join (or whatever else) based on that value.

The value will be recomputed every time any of the source values change (INSERT/UPDATE/MERGE). I'm not saying this is necessarily the best solution for the workload, I merely offer it as a solution, just like the other answers. Only the OP can determine which is best for the workload.