What is the naming rule behind Rails' parts?

The way I look at it, again this is just my perspective (the only person who can give a confirmed answer is DHH :) ),

When I see Action* like ActionPack (ActionView and ActionController are the two major components of ActionPack) or ActionMailer, they pertain to an action performed within the Rails application be it a controller specific action or displaying a particular view or even sending an email. So, Action seems precise prefix here as these packages denote doing something.

When I see Active* like ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport or ActiveModel etc., it somehow relates to providing some useful functionality to your Rails applications business logic be it utility methods or ORM support kind of like add-ons to facilitate the Rails application development.

Hope to see more interesting answers on this question. This is where we can start analyzing.

Action* is for user facing stuff (views, controllers, mailers) and Active* are backend components that supports the Action* components