What is the philosophy of managing memory in C++?

It's not entirely clear whether you're asking about the philosophy of what's built into C++, or how to use it in a way that prevents memory leaks.

The primary way to prevent memory leaks (and other resource leaks) is known as either RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) or SBRM (Scope Bound Resource Management). Either way, the basic idea is pretty simple: since objects with auto storage duration are automatically destroyed on exit from their scope, you allocate memory in the ctor of such an object, and free the memory in its dtor.

As far as C++ itself goes, it doesn't really have a philosophy. It provides mechanisms, but leaves it up to the programmer to decide which mechanism is appropriate for the situation at hand. That's often RAII. Sometimes it might be a garbage collector. Still other times, other times it might be various sorts of custom memory managers. Of course, sometimes it's a combination of two or all three of those, or something else entirely.

Edit: As to why C++ does things this way, it's fairly simple: almost any other choice will render the language unsuited to at least some kinds of problems -- including a number for which C++ was quite clearly intended to be suitable. One of the most obvious of these was being able to run on a "bare" machine with a minimum of support structure (e.g., no OS)

What is the core driving design of memory management ?

In almost all cases, you should use automatic resource management. Basically:

  • Wherever it is practical to do so, prefer creating objects with automatic storage duration (that is, on the stack, or function-local)
  • Whenever you must use dynamic allocation, use Scope-Bound Resource Management (SBRM; more commonly called Resource Acquisition is Initialization or RAII).

Rarely do you have to write your own RAII container: the C++ standard library provides a whole set of containers (e.g., vector and map) and smart pointers like shared_ptr (from C++ TR1, C++0x, and Boost) work very well for most common situations.

Basically, in really good C++ code, you should never call delete yourself1 to clean up memory that you've allocated: memory management and resource cleanup should always be encapsulated in a container of some kind.

1. Obviously, the exception here is when you implement an RAII container yourself, since that container must be responsible for cleaning up whatever it owns.