What is the purpose of 'let' keyword in Kotlin

let is one of Kotlin's Scope functions which allow you to execute a code block within the context of an object. In this case the context object is str. There are five of them: let, run, with, apply, and also. Their usages range from but are not exclusive to initialization and mapping.

They are all very similar but they differ in terms of how the context object is referenced and the value that is returned. In the case of let the context object is referenced by the it keyword as opposed to the this keyword. The return value is whatever is returned from the lambda code block. Other scope functions like apply will return the context object instead.

Because let returns whatever the lambda block evaluates to, it is most suited to performing a mapping of some kind:

var upperStr = str.let { it.toUpperCase()}

apply is a more suited function for what you are doing.

To answer your question as to which code is more preferable, it really depends on what you are using the scope function for. In the above case there is no reason to use let. If you are using IntelliJ it will give a warning saying the call to let is redundant. Readability here is a matter of preference, and may be preferred.

The let function is useful when you wish to perform a null safe operation on an Object by using the the safe call operator ?. When doing this the let code block will only be executed if the object is not null. Another reason to use let is if you need to introduce new variables for the operation but you want to confine them to the scope of the let block. This is true for all scope functions, so I reiterate that let is best used for a mapping operation.

Edit: The let function should incur no additional cost. Normally we would expect the lambda/Code-block to be compiled to a Function object but this is not the case for an inline function in Kotlin for which the compiler will emit code not dissimilar to the second code example you have given. See the documentation for more information.

One of usages you can check nullable types

var str: String? = null
str?.let { println("$it!!") }

it's equal

if (str != null) {

in Java, but shorter and more useful

