What is the purpose of the 'y' sticky pattern modifier in JavaScript RegExps?

The difference between y and g is described in Practical Modern JavaScript:

The sticky flag advances lastIndex like g but only if a match is found starting at lastIndex, there is no forward search. The sticky flag was added to improve the performance of writing lexical analyzers using JavaScript...

As for a real use case,

It could be used to require a regular expression match starting at position n where n is what lastIndex is set to. In the case of a non-multiline regular expression, a lastIndex value of 0 with the sticky flag would be in effect the same as starting the regular expression with ^ which requires the match to start at the beginning of the text searched.

And here is an example from that blog, where the lastIndex property is manipulated before the test method invocation, thus forcing different match results:

var searchStrings, stickyRegexp;

stickyRegexp = /foo/y;

searchStrings = [
    " foo",
    "  foo",
searchStrings.forEach(function(text, index) {
    stickyRegexp.lastIndex = 1;
    console.log("found a match at", index, ":", stickyRegexp.test(text));


"found a match at" 0 ":" false
"found a match at" 1 ":" true
"found a match at" 2 ":" false