What is the relationship between connective and nonconnective derived algebraic geometry?

Here is an example of a nonconnective $E_\infty$ ring spectrum which, I think, illustrates a key problem. (A more extensive discussion of this phenomenon occurs in Lurie's DAG VIII and in a paper by Bhatt and Halpern-Leinster.)

Let $R$ be an ordinary commutative ring, viewed as an $E_\infty$ ring concentrated in degree zero, and $A$ be the homotopy pullback / derived pullback in the following diagram of $E_\infty$ rings:

pullback diagram

Then $\pi_0 A = R[x,y]$ and $\pi_{-1} A$ is the local cohomology group $R[x,y] / (x^\infty, y^\infty)$; all the other homotopy groups of $A$ are zero. As a result, there's a map $R[x,y] \to A$ of $E_\infty$ rings, and any $A$-module becomes an $R[x,y]$-module by restriction.

Here's a theorem. The forgetful map from the derived category $D(A)$ to the derived category $D(R[x,y])$ is fully faithful, and its essential image consists of modules supported away from the origin. This extends to an equivalence of $\infty$-categories.

We could think of this in the following way. The ring $A$ is the $E_\infty$ ring of sections $\Gamma(\Bbb A^2 \setminus \{0\}, \mathcal{O}_{\Bbb A^2})$ on the complement of the origin in affine 2-space over $R$, and the above tells us we actually have an equivalence between $A$-modules and (complexes of) quasicoherent sheaves on $\Bbb A^2 \setminus \{0\}$.

Here are some takeaways from this.

  • Nonconnective ring spectra are actually quite natural. Global section objects $\Gamma(X, \mathcal{O}_X)$ are usually nonconnective, and we're certainly interested in those.

  • The above says that even though the punctured plane is not affine but merely quasi-affine, it becomes affine in nonconnective DAG. This is a general phenomenon.

  • Solely on the level of coefficient rings, the map $R[x,y] \to A$ looks terrible. It is indistinguishable from a square-zero extension $R[x,y] \oplus R[x,y]/(x^\infty,y^\infty)[-1]$. (There is more structure that does distinguish them.)

Many of the definitions as given in DAG for a map are given in terms of the effect (locally) of a map $B \to A$ of ring spectra (e.g. flatness, étaleness, etc etc). For connective objects, this works very well. However, we have just shown that for nonconnective objects, a map of ring spectra may have nice properties—the map $Spec(A) \to Spec(R[x,y])$ should be an open immersion!—which are completely invisible on the level of coefficient rings. This goes for the rings themselves and doubly so for their module categories.

If I have one point here, it is that trying to give definitions in nonconnective DAG in terms of coefficient rings is like trying to define properties of a map of schemes $X \to Y$ in terms of the global section rings $\Gamma(Y,\mathcal{O}_Y) \to \Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$. This makes nonconnective DAG fundamentally harder.

So far as your question A, this places me somewhere in between your two options (1) and (2). I don't think (1) is right because I think that nonconnective objects are much too important; I have a mild objection to the language in (2) because I don't think that nonconnective objects are straightforward.

As Tyler pointed out, it is "too easy" to be representable in the non-connective world. This might sound good, but it comes at the cost of geometric intuition. It is related to the fact that negative homotopy groups of the cotangent complex arise from "stacky" phenomena, while in the non-connective setting it will be impossible to distinguish what comes from stackiness and what comes from non-connectiveness of the rings themselves. I will try to give an example of this below.

1) First, a slight reformulation of Tyler's example (just to show that this is a very general phenomenon). Let $X = Spec(A)$ be an affine scheme and $U \subset X$ a quasi-compact open subscheme.

Lemma: When considered as a nonconnective spectral scheme, $U$ is affine.

Proof: $U$ can be written as the vanishing locus of some perfect complex $F \in Perf(X)$. In other words, as a non-connective spectral stack, the functor of points of $U$ is as follows: a $T$-point $T \to U$ is a $T$-point $x : T \to X$ such that $x^*(F) = 0$. According to Prop. in Toën–Vezzosi's HAG II, there exists a canonical epimorphism $A \to B$ of non-connective $E_\infty$-ring spectra such that $Spec(B)$ has the functor of points described. (This $B$ is discrete if and only if $U$ is actually affine as a classical scheme.)

2) Let $X$ be a (connective) spectral scheme and let $\mathcal{A}$ be a quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-algebra. Consider the relative Zariski spectrum, the (connective) spectral stack $Spec_X(\mathcal{A})$ whose space of $T$-points is $Maps_{\mathcal{O}_T\text{-alg}}(x^*(\mathcal{A}), \mathcal{O}_T)$, for any $X$-scheme $x : T \to X$. In particular you can take $\mathcal{A} = Sym_{\mathcal{O}_X}(F)$ for any perfect complex $F$; let $V_X(F) := Spec_X(Sym_{\mathcal{O}_X}(F))$ denote the "generalized vector bundle" associated to $F$.

One can compute (see Theorem 5.2 in Antieau-Gepner) the relative cotangent complex of $V_X(F)$ at any point $s : T \to V_X(F)$, for an $X$-scheme $x : T \to X$, as $x^*(F)$. You can read off a lot of information about $V_X(F)$ from the cotangent complex. Namely, say $F$ is of tor-amplitude $[a,b]$ (I'm going to use homological grading). If $a \ge 0$, i.e. $F$ is of non-negative tor-amplitude (hence connective), then $V_X(F)$ is representable by a (connective) spectral scheme (which is affine over $X$): by Zariski descent, you can assume $X$ is affine, and then $V_X(F) = Spec(\Gamma(X, Sym_{\mathcal{O}_X}(F)))$. If $a \le 0$, then $V_X(F)$ is a spectral $(-a)$-Artin stack (this is what I meant about the cotangent complex controlling "stackiness"). If further $b \le 0$ then $V_X(F)$ is smooth.

That was the connective story. In the non-connective world, $V_X(F)$ will "automatically" become representable by a non-connective spectral scheme even when $F$ is non-connective. In other words, by passing to the non-connective world, we allowed ourselves to replace stacks by "schemes", but on the other hand we lost something significant: it is not clear anymore what information we can read from the cotangent complex about the geometry of the "scheme".